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Enforcement can have the inverse effect

I live in a small city which is extraordinarily easy to cycle through. Everything is a short distance, the cycle infrastructure is kept tidy and there is a distinct absence of anything that could even remotely be considered a hill.


Microsoft Teams; using one monopoly to aid another

The title is not going to be a surprise to anyone reading this, but I’m getting frustrated and I have to vent. At Sharkmob1 we use Microsoft products… not really surprising; Microsoft Office is extremely common and- we make games.


DevOps; a decade of confusion and frustration

What is “DevOps”? is a question I’ve heard a lot, often I’ve asked it implicitly to myself when reading job ads for “DevOps Engineers”. According to Patrick Debois, a Belgian “agile” consultant and former sysadmin who coined the term in January of 2009: the term “Devops” (not “DevOps”) was supposed to be “Agile System Administrator”.

I don't trust Signal

I’m sure you have already formulated an opinion about how I’m wrong. That’s fine, but I invite you to at least open your mind a little before you hit back and inform me of how stupid I am.


Cloudflare is turning off the internet for me

Ok, I’ll admit, I’m not the largest fan of centralisation, but rarely do I so swiftly and effectively feel the crushing weight of it. I happen to use a very nice Chromium-based web-browser which, when it opens has javascript disabled.


How to survive an open office.

I’ve been struggling for some time to find a decent enough guide to actually accomplish anything meaningful (other than ad-hoc break-fix work) in my office. One of the things I know is that this problem seems to affect me more than others, so for many people this advice (or lamentation) might seem like it comes from a weird place.